
Translation Theory in the 20th Century

27 Novembro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

Zoom session:

1) Walter Benjamin, “The Task of the Translator” by Teresa Penha Marmeleira (recorded)


Kahoot challenge for her classmates:


2) Ezra Pound. Extracts by Eliana Ochoa (recorded)


3) George Steiner. After Babel by Marisa Nunes (recorded)

The presentations were followed by group discussions.

Domestication and foreignization

25 Novembro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Presentation:

Beatriz Frederico:  Rui Pina Coelho: Safe Shakespeare Productions in Portugal


2) Fernando Tovar Salazar’s question on Schleiermacher’s approach towards word-for-word translation was answered by Rita Mendes (short PowerPoint presentation)


3) Sts watched the video on domestication and foreignization, created by Peter Constantine and Brian Sneeden from the University of Connecticut.


Sts then answered the questions in the google quiz:

Schleiermacher and Translating Shakespeare in Portugal

20 Novembro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Friedrich Schleiermacher. “On the Different Methods of Translating by Rita Mendes
2) M. J. da Rocha Afonso. “Simão de Melo Brandão and the first Portuguese version of Othello by Ana Margarida Santos (recorded)

3) J. Ferreira Duarte: “The Politics of Non-Translation” by Joana Reis

The presentations were followed by group discussions.

Schleiermacher and Translating Shakespeare in Portugal

20 Novembro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

1) Friedrich Schleiermacher. “On the Different Methods of Translating by Soraia Silva (recorded)




2) M. J. da Rocha Afonso. “Simão de Melo Brandão and the first Portuguese version of Othello by Ana Margarida Santos (recorded)

3) J. Ferreira Duarte: “The Politics of Non-Translation” by Filipa Ramalho

4) R. Pina Coelho. “Safe Shakespeare” by Angelina Alvim da Costa Marques de Almeida


The presentations were followed by group discussions.


18 Novembro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

Sts delivered their presentations, followed by class discussion:


1) Nicolas Perrot d’ Ablancourt. Dedication of French translation of Lucian by

Sebastião Garcez Palha

2) Joachim du Bellay. “The Defence and Illustration of the French Language” by Floresbela Pinto

3) “Preface to the Iliad of Homer” by Miguel Dias

4) Alexander Fraser Tytler. “Essay on the Principles of Translation” by Rita Gaspar