
Introduction to Translation Studies (Seminar)

9 Outubro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

Sts delivered their presentations, followed by class discussion:

1) R. Jakobson. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”: Inês Potier

2) BA courses in Translation Studies in Portugal: Adriana Mota

3) BA courses in Translation Studies in other countries: Christopher Bruha

4) Translation Studies Journals: Carolina Luís

Introduction to Translation Studies (Seminar)

9 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

Sts delivered their presentations, followed by class discussion:


1) BA courses in Translation Studies in Portugal: Joana Bastos (via zoom)

2) R. Jakobson. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation”: Irina Pereira

3) BA courses in Translation Studies in other countries: Catarina Constantino

4) MA and PhD courses in Translation Studies in Portugal: Sandra Rosa

Introduction to Translation Studies (Zoom)

7 Outubro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Testing Sts' previous knowledge on translation history

Individual work: A google quiz form was sent to each student. They had 5 minutes to fill in the form:


2) Exercises were discussed with the help of PowerPoint slides.

3) Sts were asked individually to give their own personal definition of “translation” via google form:


How would you define translation in one or two words?


A selected number of definitions were read out and commented by Sts.


 4) Group work: Sts now were required to give a formal definition of ‘translation’ via google form.


Sts were invited to move into breakout rooms and work together.

A group leader was appointed, who filled in the google form:

Every definition was read out loud by the group leaders, respectively. The lecturer asked specific questions about Sts’ word choices and concepts behind the definitions.


5) PowerPoint presentation on possible definitions of ‘translation’, given by the lecturer.


6) Homework:

Sts were asked to explore the origins of the word ‘translation’ in their native language or in the languages they work as well as the word’s specific meaning(s) if they should contain.


Fernando Tovar Salazar (Spanish and Arabic)

Altea Laineri (Italian)

Marisa Alexandra Silva Nunes (German)

Maria Inês Fraga (Chinese)

Rita Gaspar (Korean)

Introduction II

2 Outubro 2020, 14:00 Zsófia Gombár

Students presented themselves, spoke about their majors/minors and their future plans after graduation as well as their expectations with regard to the course.

Students were asked about their previous knowledge of translation history and concepts in translation theory.

Finally, the course content was outlined in terms of objectives, teaching concepts, reading lists and bibliography.


Introduction II

2 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Zsófia Gombár

Students presented themselves, spoke about their majors/minors and their future plans after graduation as well as their expectations with regard to the course.

Students were asked about their previous knowledge of translation history and concepts in translation theory.

Finally, the course content was outlined in terms of objectives, teaching concepts, reading lists and bibliography.