
Writing activity

28 Março 2017, 08:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

     Unit 1 writing activity: 1) The Great Depression and Prohibition; 2) Discussing 'A Christmas Memory' by Truman Capote.

Advanced language usage - CAE and CPE Use of English exercises

27 Março 2017, 16:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Students submitted their essay on Walter Mitty.

Advanced language usage - CAE and CPE Use of English exercises pp 24-29 manual.

Students to do reading exercise "Is theis Art?" pp 30-31 for Weds. 

Roundtable Discussion and Oxfor Union debate

27 Março 2017, 14:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Student-led Roundtable Discussion on "This House suggests that Democracy is the best system of governance

Oxford Union debate on "This House suggests that Forgiveness, Tolerance, and Mutual Respect should be taught in school curricula to prepare children to live well in the 21st century.

These presentations were followed by class discussion. 

Students submitted their essay on Walter Mitty.

Black Mirror (I)

27 Março 2017, 08:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Viewing of a Black Mirror episode
Guidelines and constraints for drafting an episode
Group brainstorming

Second round of first debate

23 Março 2017, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

    Second round of first debate.

    Reading and discussing texts about literary friendship between Truman Capote and Harper Lee.