
Essay writing: 'For & Against' Essays. Introductory Paragraphs.

14 Outubro 2022, 09:30 Ana Rita Martins

Use of Language: Word Formation Pop Quiz.

Essay writing: 'For & Against' Essays
  • Introductory paragraphs
  • Examples: In-class Discussion
  • Writing: Write an introductory paragraph of 60-100 words where you consider the pros and cons of a border-free world.

Writing a film review

13 Outubro 2022, 15:30 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

Writing a film review

Guidelines for the Research Projects

13 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Screening and discussion of former English B2.2 students' Research Projects 

Healthy and Unhealthy Love

13 Outubro 2022, 08:00 David Michael Greer

Setting up "Visiting Hours"- volunteer readers and dealing with some references.
Katie Hood's TED Talk on Healthy and Unhealthy Love. Watching video and discussing her advice (or lack of).


12 Outubro 2022, 18:30 Gaile Parkin

Small group discussions based on questions about the short story “On the Rainy River” by Tim O’Brien, and the novel The Quiet American by Graham Greene.

HOMEWORK: Read the short story by Joyce Carol Oates dedicated to Bob Dylan, “Where are you Going, Where Have you Been?”, and the academic article about the story, “Connie’s Tambourine Man”.

Watch student video presentations of Bob Dylan songs.