
Ask Philippa

4 Outubro 2022, 08:00 David Michael Greer

Starting work on the Agony Aunt texts


3 Outubro 2022, 18:30 Gaile Parkin

Small group discussion and class feedback on the two stories about racism (one of the themes in Bob Dylan’s protest songs): “Liars Don’t Qualify” by Junius Edwards and “Where is the Voice Coming From?” by Eudora Welty.

HOMEWORK: Write an essay comparing the creative responses to the killing of Medgar Evers, by Eudora Welty (the short story “Where is the Voice Coming From?”) and Bob Dylan (the song “Only a Pawn in their Game”)

TED Lesson: “How to disagree productively and find common ground” by Julia Dhar

3 Outubro 2022, 12:30 Ana Rita Martins

TED Lesson: “How to disagree productively and find common ground” by Julia Dhar

  • In-class discussion
Use of Language
  • Keyword transformation exercise
  • Open cloze
HOMEWORK: Read the article "Here’s why a border-free world would be better than hostile immigration policies"

TED Lesson: “How to disagree productively and find common ground” by Julia Dhar

3 Outubro 2022, 09:30 Ana Rita Martins

TED Lesson: “How to disagree productively and find common ground” by Julia Dhar

  • In-class discussion
Use of Language
  • Keyword transformation exercise
  • Open cloze
HOMEWORK: Read the article "Here’s why a border-free world would be better than hostile immigration policies"

Reading and speaking

30 Setembro 2022, 15:30 Miguel Pascoal Figueiredo

Short story 'All You Can Do Is Breathe' - class discussion