
Test in class

20 Dezembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Second sitting for final test in class

Test in class

18 Dezembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

First sitting of final test.

Beyoncé, problems with gender and explanation of final test

13 Dezembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of text from a gossip column about Beyoncé, likes on Instagram. When translating we should always translate considering that the readership ought to be the same as the original readership and thus understand the same things, even if "If you liked it you probably put a like on it" may be as obscure for some as "ósculo" is for others. Analysis of second text involving the possible translating of "My partner and I" when we don't know whether "Partner" means "s´cio", "sócia", "parceira" or "parceiro". Suggestion that "Nós" would be the soultion.

Explanation of issues involved in final tests.

Lesson not given

11 Dezembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Absence due to sudden illness forcing me to go home.

Translation and Time

6 Dezembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of a text from "Um Poeta Lírico" by Eça de Queiroz involving discussion on such issues as the term "almoço", used by Queiroz to mean "breakfast". Should we try to maintain the flavour of the past in our translations or should we take into account that the people he was writing for would have found the text perfectly current? Analysis of how we could try to maintain a difference between the use of the second person vocative and the third person in Portuguese by means of register differences in English.