
Blade Runner

15 Novembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of text on how to deal with titles. Copyright law and restrictions. Film and book titles in different countries (UK/USA and Brazil/Portugal and differences between the title of a book and the title of the film based on the book which may be the same in one language and two different things in another. Demonstration of how the title "Blade Runner" may be translated in several different ways in the same text -- in this case "Blade Runner: Perigo Iminente", for one of the films, "um novo Blade Runner" or "um novo filme da série Blade Runner" on other occasions, and "caçador de androides" on other occasions.

Elections and Parliament in the UK

13 Novembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Class on elections and parliament in the UK.

Practice in Class

8 Novembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Practice at translating two texts. One into Portuguese involving new digital-age terminology (troll, trolling, website, online) and one into English involving the Portuguese technique of avoiding repetition (comboio, composição ferroviária; carro, veículo ligeiro de passageiros). Mention of translation of land description (concelho) with the best choice (from among many poor ones) perhaps being to use the English term "borough" as it is vague and wide-ranging enough to be non-specific.

Bible Translations

6 Novembro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

The aim of translating: the specific case of translating the Bible into languages that have no knowledge of some of the images used in the Testaments. Analysis of some of the major mistakes in translating the Bible, particular from Greek to Latin and from Latin without articles to the vernaculars.

Falta - Gripe

30 Outubro 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott
