
Narrative and painting

5 Dezembro 2017, 10:00 Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes

Introducing the novel by Tracy Chevalier, Girl with a Pearl Earring, in its realtionship to Johannes Vermeer's painting of the same name.

Introducing soem key concepts of narratology: narrator and other characters; some types of narrators (heterodiegetic and homodiegetic narrators; autodiegetic narrators); types of points of view (omiscient point of view vs. restricted point of view); exposition; the importance of space and its meaning/s; the importance of time and its distortions (summary and ellipsis vs. 'scenes').
Analysis of some excerpts of the novel, namely its opening paragraphs in contrast with the opening paragraphs of Emma by Jane Austen.

Visionamento de filme

30 Novembro 2017, 12:00 Filomena Maria Confraria Viana Guarda

Visionamento da 1.ª parte do filme Crime & Punishment Realizado por Julian Jarrold (BBC, 2008) a partir do romance de Dostoiévski estudado nas aulas anteriores.

Examples of ekphrasis in poetry

30 Novembro 2017, 10:00 Isabel Maria da Cunha Rosa Fernandes

Visual analysis of Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night.

Analysis and interpretation of "The Starry Night", a poem by Anne Sexton and its relationship to Van Gogh's painting of the same name.
Listening to Don MacLean's music on Vincent Van Gogh.
Reading and screening of some ekphrastic poems.


29 Novembro 2017, 16:00 Patrícia Soares Martins

Entrega dos exercícios escritos e conversa com os alunos sobre a avaliação. Início do estudo de Júlio César, de Shakespeare. 


29 Novembro 2017, 14:00 Patrícia Soares Martins

Entrega dos exercícios escritos e conversa com os alunos sobre a avaliação. Início do estudo de Júlio César, de Shakespeare.