
Goodbye Narrative Writing - Hello Expository Writing

14 Novembro 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students finished reading Joyce Carol Oates's short story Small Avalanches.

Once we established the expectations for anyone doing the Narrative Writing assignment, or anyone choosing the Narrative Option for the upcoming final exam, we then moved on to learning about the basics of Expository Writing.

We looked at the different types of Expository Writing and then went to analyze a sample opinion essay Wonder Woman: the Weight of the World.  We looked at some of the initial steps that need to be taken when setting off to write an essay.  We also analyzed how each paragraph flows from one paragraph to the next, with the first half of a sentence/first sentence is a summary of the previous paragraph, and the second half of the sentence/second sentence introduces the next idea which will be explored in the present paragraph.  If you don't understand this, you really should have come to class...

The oral presentations which will be carried out at the end of term must be:
  1. based on a short story from the book we have been looking at this semester (Small Avalanches and Other Stories);
  2. must be organized as a written academic paper, however, no paper will be handed in - it will simply be presented orally as many university students must do when presenting their papers to their classes, or when academics present their papers at a conference.
Next class: students will be shown how to identify themes in their selected short stories and will eventually need to develop a thesis or question that they will have prove/answer in their presentation.

Prepositions of place

13 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

Test return (feedback).  Prepositions of place and resultant story writing.

Texts on Honour Killings in Canada and Religious Censorship

13 Novembro 2018, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of two texts: one about a Muslim who killed one of his wives and three daughters because of "shame" and one about removing a Christian cross from a photo of a church in Greece by Lidl. Discussion on whether those who live in a country should abide by the laws of the country or be allowed to continue their religious practices even if they are illegal in the host country


12 Novembro 2018, 16:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

All future forms reviewed and practiced. 


12 Novembro 2018, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Due to illness, the teacher had to cancel this class.  Students were notified the night before.