How to give an oral presentation. Dramatised reading of the short story "The guilt" by Rayda Jacbs.
12 Novembro 2018, 10:00 • Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha
How to give an oral presentation: preparing, practising, performing, rules of thumb, dealing with nerves, presentation checklist; top tips for a presentation.Dramatised reading of the short story "The guilt" by Rayda Jacobs.
12 Novembro 2018, 08:00 • Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio
Due to illness, the teacher had to cancel this class. Students were notified the night before.
Music Genres
8 Novembro 2018, 14:00 • Thomas Joe Grigg
Students analyze 4 elements of music and create their own songs and perform them according to the elements discussed.
Use and non-use of the passive.
7 Novembro 2018, 16:00 • Rui Vitorino Azevedo
Did several practical exercises with the active and passive voice. Using the passive with have and get.