

9 Outubro 2018, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Class on the various different forms of punctuation in English with particular emphasis on those forms which are either totally ignored by students, such as the colon and semi-colon; and on the area which causes most problems: the comma.

Long Tom Lookout

8 Outubro 2018, 16:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Reading and discussion of "Long Tom Lookout". The discussion revolved around such themes as parenting skills and autism. 

Descriptive Writing Continued.

8 Outubro 2018, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP3 went outside to the Campo Grande to do their outdoor descriptive writing exercise.

Once back in class, TP3 continued to analyze descriptive writing texts:
  • extract from Barbara Willard's The Sprig of Bloom.

"Tony' story" by Leslie Marmon Silko.

8 Outubro 2018, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Analysing the short story "Tony' story" by Leslie Marmon Silko by discussing the answers to a set of questions (see below) in pairs/groups first orally and then in writing (to be continued on Wednesday).

The questions under discussion were the 5 questions on page 31 and the three following ones:
6. Find references that you associate with mainstream American society (i.e. non-Native American) in the story.
7. Write a character analysis of Tony.
8. Write a character analysis of Leon.

Descriptive Writing Continued...

8 Outubro 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students continued to analyze descriptive writing texts:

  • extract from Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts (Knopf, 1976);
  • extract from Joyce Carol Oates's Inside District School #7, Niagara County, New York;
  • extract from Barbara Willard's The Sprig of Bloom;
  • extract from Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol.