
Expository Writing continued...

26 Novembro 2018, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

The teacher modelled how to come up with/construct a thesis/abstract/essay question. 

The students then went on to do the same in their groups (no two people within a group - or within the same class, for that matter - can have the same, or a similar, thesis/abstract/essay question). 

The teacher then went on to model an oral presentation on the short story   Small Avalanches.  All students were subsequently emailed an audio recording of the presentation along with the PowerPoint that was used. 

Connectors. Basic punctuation rules. "India's caste system is alive and kicking ...".

26 Novembro 2018, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Connectors: using connectors to express contrast, add information, express the cause or reason of something, expressing an opinion, reaching conclusions, giving examples, organising the sequence of events, facts and so forth. 

Basic punctuation rules.
Reading and discussion of the article "India's caste system is alive and kicking - and maiming and killing".
HOMEWORK: Read the short story "Good advice is rarer than rubies" by Salman Rushdie (pp. 83-88).

Expository Writing continued...

26 Novembro 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

The students carried on with constructing their theses in their groups.

The teacher then went on to model an oral presentation on the short story  Small Avalanches.  All students were subsequently emailed an audio recording of the presentation along with the PowerPoint that was used.

Next class: the end-of-term listening test.

Survey reporting

22 Novembro 2018, 14:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

Reporting of the survey results by groups.  Review of in-text citation practice.

Analysis of text; preparation for test

22 Novembro 2018, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of text about clothing regulations in different countries around the world and about how foreigners should adapt to local customs