
Everyone loves a villain.

29 Outubro 2018, 16:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Presentation: Everyone loves a villain!

For this mini-presentation I’d like you to discuss your favorite TV/Movie villain and tell us why you love them.

As you prepare think about the following:

1)    Why is this villain so appealing?

2)    How mysterious is this villain? What do you actually know about their origins and motivations?

3)    Does this villain elicit disgust? Are they ugly on the inside and out?

4)    In what way does this villain create empathy? How do viewers relate to them and their flaws?

5)    Would you say that this villain is both attractive and repulsive?

I’d also like you to show your favorite “scene” or snippet that shows us just how much of a villain they are. Is it their tendency to lie and manipulate others? Are they selfish, narcissistic and impulse giving no thought to the consequences of their acts? Or what other defining characteristics make them a villain? Again, I don’t want people talking about the same person, so email me your choice as soon as possible.

General discussion after the presentations. 

Midterm Listening Test

29 Outubro 2018, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students carried out their midterm listening test.

"Blak Powems" by M. Khumalo. "Soweto - Journey to freedom". Essay writing.

29 Outubro 2018, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Reading and analysis of the poem "Blak Powems" by Mbongeni Khumalo.

Readind and discussion of the article "Soweto - Journey to freedom".
Introduction to discursive essays: (a) opinion essay; (b) for and against essay; (c) solution to a problem essay (to be continued on Wednesday's class).

Midterm Listening Test

29 Outubro 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today students carried out their midterm listening tests.

Good luck everyone!

Feedback on essay texts

25 Outubro 2018, 14:00 Thomas Joe Grigg

Feedback on essay papers in preparation for the test on the 30th of October.