
The Enlightenment and Translation

15 Março 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Sts presentations were followed by class discussion.



John Dryden on Translation [W] by Gonçalo Santos and Tiago Esperança




Alexander Pope. “Preface to the Iliad of Homer” [W] by Joana Clemente and Nuria Mandane




Alexander Fraser Tytler. “Essay on the Principles of Translation” [W] by Rebecca Woods



Les Belles Infidèles

13 Março 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

The lecturer gave a brief history of the changing concept of sense for sense and word for word translation until the 17thcentury, referring to Cicero, Horace, and John Dryden.


Joachim du Bellay. “The Defence and Illustration of the French Language” by Eduardo Fernandes and Madalena Paulo




Kahoot Quiz:

Norma tradutória e exemplos ficcionais

10 Março 2023, 15:30 Marta Pacheco Pinto

Análise de um excerto do ensaio de F. Schleiermacher à luz da teoria dos polissistemas.

O conceito de norma tradutória segundo Gideon Toury, em “The nature and role of norms in translation” (1995), e categorização proposta: norma inicial, norma preliminar e norma operacional. Discussão do capítulo XI de A Noiva do Tradutor (2019 [2015], de João Reis, à luz da teoria da equivalência e das normas de Toury. Apresentação do roteiro de leitura do conto “Guy de Maupassant”, de Isaac Bábel.

A teoria dos polissistemas

8 Março 2023, 15:30 Marta Pacheco Pinto

Introdução à teoria dos polissistemas. Análise de texto seminal de Itamar Even-Zohar, “The position of translated literature within the literary polysystem” (1990). Discussão de dados estatísticos do INE sobre a percentagem de livros traduzidos impressos em Portugal (2016-2021). Considerações prévias para a contextualização do ensaio de Gideon Toury.

Sense for Sense versus Word for Word Translation

8 Março 2023, 09:30 Zsófia Gombár

Mini-presentations were given on translators and inventors of the alphabet:

Joana Ferreira Vieira: Ulfila

Mariana Carvalho: Mesrop Mashtots

Anna Holovina: Cyril and Methodius



Sts watched a short video on sense for sense versus word for word translation, created by Brian Sneeden and Peter Constantine from the University of Connecticut.


Sts discussed in pairs which translation of the Chinese poems they preferred.

Then Sts took a short google form quiz related to the video. They could work in pairs or individually.


Sts were divided into three groups, and were asked to define word for word, sense for sense translation, and imitation


The presentation templates were displayed on the blogpost ‘Word for Word / Sense for Sense / Imitation’ of the educational blog History and Theory of Translation 2023

Group 1: Word for word translation

Group 2: Sense for sense translation

Group 3: Adaptation