
Task to be done at home

19 Março 2020, 10:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

An extended  task was sent out to students on Friday 13 to cover this week's two classes (17 and 19 March)

Skype class - comparison of descriptive texts from memoir and literary fiction

18 Março 2020, 16:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

We used the same literary close reading techniques to examine excerpts that students had selected from their set reading: the memoir Born a Crime  and the historical novel Not the Same Sky. We noted that while the descriptive passages from the historical novel had many layers of meaning and were carefully crafted to prepare readers for the subsequent narrative movement, which could include changes in the orientation of the novel, in the memoir while the descriptions were carefully constructed, they simply "drew the picture" of the events being described. Because of the changes in the class structure we also discussed alterations to the schedule and the structure of the abstracts for the oral presentations that students must submit earlier. This information has been sent to the class email, but I am also adding it below. 

New Class and Oral Presentation Schedule               English C1.2 TP10 2019/2020

Because of the changing circumstances our written test which had been scheduled for 6th April will have to be postponed. It will now occur at feasible a time. If we return to in-house classes in April, we can think about scheduling the test for the last week of class; if not we will do this test at a time the FLUL schedule allows.

This means that we will need to reschedule the other assignments to avoid having all the evaluations at the end of the semester. Therefore:

1) The abstracts for the oral presentations must be presented on or before March 25th to permit time for discussion of the theme. The abstract (approx. 250 words) must indicate the orientation of the work and the theoretical framework. You may refer to the other texts in the manual freely. You can follow the model I sent to the class email that we talked about in the last Skype class

While we will maintain the themes for the oral presentations, because you are all working individually you just need to concentrate on your own book and produce an individual abstract and presentation.

I had initially thought of asking you to record your presentations, but I have since reconsidered. I would like you to make your presentation via Skype. I will ask you to make a Powerpoint presentation that you send to the group email by 15th April with the “reply all” option so that everyone has access to this. You will make your actual presentation (15 minutes long) on either 20th or 22nd or April. Students presenting the same theme will present on the same day – but you do not need to work together. You will present one after the other.


2) I also am bringing the classes on summary writing as well as the deadline for the submission of your second written evaluation (either a narrative text or an academic summary of the essay “Representations of the Self and the Other in Eighteenth Century Travel Writing”) forward to 6th April. These exercises follow the indications in your manual, and we will continue to work with them on our Skype classes.





Student Activity



Principles of summary writing

– short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”




Discuss Brigit Flohr’s essay “Representations of the Self and the Other in Eighteenth Century Travel Writing”

Students submit abstracts for oral presentations



Continued discussion of Brigit Flohr’s essay and discussion of students’ abstracts




Answer questions on summaries or oral presentation




Discussion of themes in novel

Students submit narrative text or summary






Discussion of powerpoints and presentations

Students submit powerpoint presentations



Oral presentation on Skype




Oral presentation on Skype



Student Presentations



Novel & theme

Date for presentation

The factors that can lead to migration  

Not the Same Sky Vasco Neves


The emotion consequences of displacement


Not the Same Sky Catarina Serras

 Exit West André Janeiro


The role of education and financial independence on empowerment

Not the Same Sky Bruna Purificação

Born a Crime André Pintor


The Presence and Absence of Ambiguous Consent in Relationships

Exit West Sara Barateiro Marques

Born a Crime William Greer


The effects of generational poverty and oppression on a people


Born a Crime Daniel de Sousa

Born a Crime Joana Madeira

Joana and Daniel one look at generational poverty, the other at generational oppression

Not the Same Sky Manuel Borges


Race, gender and identity


Not the Same Sky Cláudia Riscado

Born a Crime Patrícia Carmo Exit West Maria Carolina Moreira






18 Março 2020, 12:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Aula não-presencial, via Zoom

Discussion of HW Use of English doubts

Contextualization of Ch6-7: esp. BNW p.78 + p.81

Shakespeare parody in BNW: Macbeth

Explanation of HW - verb patters

HW: SCB 84 (emailed instructions)

Feedback on assignment 1

18 Março 2020, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Providing individual  feedback by email on Assignment :  the  father/son relationship as depicted in 'One Christmas' by Truman Capote.

Task to be done at home

17 Março 2020, 14:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

An extended  task was sent out to students on Friday 13 to cover this week's two classes (17 and 19 March)