
Suspended classes. Homework assignments

11 Março 2020, 10:00 EDUARDA MELO CABRITA

Suspended classes

Homework assignments*

Assignment 1) Writing tasks for Unit 1

In an essay of around 350 words, discuss the  father/son relationship as depicted in 'One Christmas' by Truman Capote (page 42 of the Workbook). Quotes used to illustrate /back up your point of view are, of course, excluded from the word count.

Please remember not to use contracted verb forms.

Assignment 1 is due on Monday, 16th March not later than 6 p.m.

Assignment 2) Re-read the texts discussed in class about  the power of the media and of photojournalism (pages 31-34). In an essay of around 350 words, discuss the quote below against Dorothea Lange's photographs (pages 35-37) words.

                Photojournalists have a tremendous influence on society and therefore an ethical       responsibility .

Please remember not to use contracted verb forms.

Assignment 2 is due on Wednesday, 16th March not later than 6 p.m.


Assignment 3) Read CNN's "How health officials and social media are teaming up to fight the coronavirus 'infodemic'" and The Guardian's 'Battling coronavirus misinformation in the age of social media.' (the above-mentioned articles have been sent to students by email)


In an essay of around 350 words, discuss the power and ethics of social media in today's world. Please remember not to use contracted verb forms.


Assignment 3 is due on Monday, 23rd March not later than 6 p.m.

Assignment 4)

In Migrant Mother, White Angel Breadline, and Waiting for Work photographs Dorothea Lange 'achieved a brilliant balance between a collective portrait of humanity and one of an individual.' (page 36).

Discuss in an essay of around 350 words.

Assignment 4 is due on Wednesday, 25th March not later than 6 p.m.

* Please remember to save all assignments as Word files. Thank you.

Feedback will be given regularly.

Eduarda Melo Cabrita

11 March 2020


COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

10 Março 2020, 14:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

The Guide

10 Março 2020, 12:00 Zuzanna Zarebska

Read the short story The Guide by Laurie Hovel McMillin.Reflect on the tenses that are used and what mood do they invoke? Visit the website edited by Laurie McMillin:

How does travel influence:
- the experience of foreign culture,
- the experience of foreign culture based on age and gender?
 - the mother-child relationship?
  - metamorphosis from a child into an adult?

What are the different ways of experiencing the other: through dialogue, through informed reading, through silence?

COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

10 Março 2020, 10:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

Exercises with descriptive texts and narrative texts in literary writing

9 Março 2020, 16:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

We did the descriptive writing exercise on p 41 of the manual and examined the descriptive text on page 44. We also examined the structure of narrative texts as presented on page 45

A narrative text is a kind of text where the emphasis in on telling a story. While, it is often presented as the recounting of past events past tenses appear a lot, it should not simply recount the event as it happened because the purpose of narrative texts is to engage the reader in the contemplation of experiences outside their own lived experience as it informs about the story itself.

This can be done in an entertaining/ amusing tone, or a more serious one. It all depends on what type of story you want to tell


The generic structure of Narrative text: - when you are writing a narrative text there are a number of questions you have to ask yourself


1.Orientation: This answers the questions: who, when, what, and where, and sets the scene while introducing the participants.

2.Complication: One of the central premises of good fiction is that it permits the reader to interact with complex issues and serious problems. The author has to give serious thought to the type of “problems” the story will present and how the main characters will solve them

3.Resolution: In traditional fictional texts the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.

4.Re-orientation: New/different perspectives introduced by the ending of the story.


Narrative texts normally make use of the Linguistic features listed below:

1. Use active verbs.

2. Normally use past tense because these can add depth to the story i.e. continuous tenses add life and movement, past perfect tenses add depth of time, past simple transmits continuity and moving forward in time

3. Use conjunction (and, then, after that, next, etc)  As well as Opinion/ Positional and Temporal conjunction, , like: once upon a time, one day, long time ago,

4. The first person (I or We) or the third person (He, She, or They).

5. Use specific nouns

6. Look for strong and appropriate adjective and adverbs


Fictional Narrative texts can be written in the 1st person, but they cannot be “my” story

Characters, locations (descriptive) and events (narrative) must have their own life. 

We did the verb tense gap fill exercises on p 46 to illustrate how the use of the different past tenses confer the characteristics illustrated above.