
COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

12 Março 2020, 14:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

Writing, Traveling and the Creative Act

12 Março 2020, 12:00 Zuzanna Zarebska

 Students should read the essay by Suzanne Joinson "Writing, Traveling and the Creative Act" and answer the following questions:

What is the definition of a travel writer according to Joinson?
What is and where is hope?
Are there any differences between men and women travel writers according to Joinson?
How do we construct memories according to Joinson?

COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

12 Março 2020, 10:00 Daniel Gregg Lopes da Silva

COVID-19 Lesson cancelled

Presentation of how we will proceed with classes and descriptive texts in narrative writing

11 Março 2020, 16:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Because both writing skills and orality are important elements of English C1.2 we will work with 1) a class group email where students can post their work and I can send out instructions as to materials that need to be prepared for the following class and 2) a Skype group. I will be available on one of these platforms a class times. Instructions will be given before each class as to which media will be used. 
If you have not received this group email send the email address you normally use to
Instructions on evaluations:
Written Test: I propose that we move the test to Monday, 6th March, as this will not only give us an extra class; it will also solve Sara's timetable clash (she has 2 tests on the same day at the same time).

The written test will have three sections:
1) CAE Use of English exercises like those on pages 28 & 29 of your manual. You can find more practice exercises with answers at
2) Descriptive and narrative texts in literary writing - looking at examples from your novels
3) An essay on themes presented in your novels.

Ongoing work:  You were supposed to bring your corrected essays to class tomorrow and I was going to discuss the corrections with you. You can send these to my email (  and I will get back to you. Bruna, Daniel, Sara and Vasco I have scanned your essays and will sent them to you - return a corrected version to me by next Monday.
You also had to select a descriptive section from your novel and we were going to discuss how this affected the narrative flow of the work. We can still do that. I am going to create a collective email group and you can send your text (scanned or rewritten) and write a short explanation of how you consider this influences the narrative flow. Remember how I explained Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's simple descriptive phrase "their silences were filled with stones" prepares for reader for the fact that the relationship between two of the main characters would never again be the same (p 38 manual).  

We will start with a reflection like this. Then I would like you to look at the text for the literary devices used to achieve the result obtained. i.e. Adichie uses a metaphor - which always requires the reader's involvement in interpretation; a stone is a hard thing; when thrown at someone it normally hurts and it is intentional, never accidental, throwing a stone also implies aggression; the fact that the phases uses "stones" plural implies repeated hurt etc

Thank you for sending your reflections on the descriptive texts you selected from your novels.

For the next class, via Skype I want you to do a close reading of the texts I sent you, using the close reading tools in the document I sent, so that you can look for the literary devices metaphor, symbolism, sentence length etc) that are in these texts to gain insight as to how these produce the effects you felt when reading the text narratively. 


11 Março 2020, 12:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim


Correction of BM GW Groups D-E 
HW correction: SCB 88

'Class activity' - answers due Firday 2pm in Folder (instructions emailed)

HW: Finish individual BM assignment, due Monday by noon (double-spaced, name on 1st page, top right-hand corner)