
Test B

26 Abril 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Second chance to do translation exercise.

A aula não se realizou

26 Abril 2017, 14:00 Hanna Marta Pieta

A aula não se realizou (licença de saúde)
A fim de compensar a falta de horas de contacto programadas, solicitou-se aos alunos a submissão de uma tradução para português de um texto literário traduzido para a língua inglesa (350 palavras).


24 Abril 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Teste presencial

Sessão 18 (Textos literários - Retraduções)

21 Abril 2017, 14:00 Hanna Marta Pieta

A fim de compensar a falta de horas de contacto programadas, solicitou-se aos alunos a submissão dos resultados da análise iniciada na aula passada. 

translation exercise into Portuguese # 3

19 Abril 2017, 14:00 David Alan Prescott

Translation of text involving some difficulties of a cultural nature. Showing of how on occasion -- as in a mere informative text in a popular piece of reading material -- some aspects of the original may be left out in order to produce a text of the same level of understanding as the original. A side issue involved the translation of "class bias" language when used in direct quotation. In the text these examples were "dreadful" and "amazing". The point being that some people might say "awesome" rather than "amazing" and their choice of word both defines who they are and tells us something about them. We should try to maintain this as much as possible in a translation.