3 Maio 2022, 09:30
Roxana Stela Ciolaneanu
Students' presentations.
2 Maio 2022, 18:30
Lucia Comparin
Traduzibilidade e intraduzibilidade
2 Maio 2022, 15:30
Amândio Reis
Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904): de Patrikios Lefkadios Hearn a Koizumi Yakumo; aspectos gerais da vida e da obra de um sujeito multicultural, comunicador e divulgador da cultura japonesa.
— "A Street Singer" no contexto mais amplo do volume Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life (1896) e do ensejo de compreender e traduzir a "interioridade" do Japão (a partir do prefácio).
— Leitura e análise de "A Street Singer"; o último e cronologicamente mais recuado texto orientalista do programa, cuja natureza compósita envolve, entre outras, componentes de: etnografia, testemunho, relato, recolha, tradução, ensaio.
2 Maio 2022, 12:30
Marta Pacheco Pinto
Esclarecimento de dúvidas a respeito dos trabalhos de grupo e respetiva apresentação oral. Exercício em grupo de conceção de estratégias promotoras do diálogo intercultural com base em case scenarios (cenários de referência) fornecidos pela docente.
2 Maio 2022, 08:00
Zuzanna Zarebska
Assimilação cultural,
O "terceiro espaço" de Homi Bhabha:
"Hybridity, Homi Bhabha, a mutual interdependence between the colonizer and the colonized (The Third Space of Enunciation), the empowering hybridity where the cultural difference operates as opposed to the disempowering exoticism that functions as the binary of myself/other."
"It is significant that the productive capacities of thisThird Space have a colonial or postcolonial provenance. For a willingness to descend into that alien territory may open the way to conceptualizing an international culture, based not onthe exoticism of multiculturalism or the diversity ofcultures,but on the inscription and articulation ofculture’s hybridity. (Bhabha 1994: 38)."
"For Bhabha, hybridity is the process by which the colonial governing authority undertakes to translate the identity of the colonised (the Other) within a singular universal framework, but then fails producing something familiar but new."
"For Bhabha it is the indeterminate spaces in-between subject-positions that are lauded as thelocale of the disruption and displacement ofhegemonic colonial narratives of cultural structures and practices. (Bhabha 1994; Bhabha 1996) Bhabha posits hybridity as such a form of liminal or in-between space, where the ‘cutting edge of translation and negotiation’ (Bhabha 1996) occurs and which he terms the third space."