
Introduction to C1.1 English

11 Setembro 2023, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today's lesson was just an introduction to the course.

Students who missed today's class should come to the online tutorial on Friday to catch up.  Students who are unable to attend this tutorial need to read the first six and a half pages (up to Persuasive Writing Techniques revision) so that they know exactly what is expected of them this semester.  

The course book is available on the shared Google drive.  The course book can be printed out at home and brought to class, or you can access the course book via laptop or tablet.  Accessing the course book in class on your smart phone is not allowed.

In order to have access to the shared Google drive, students must email ( to confirm that the teacher has their permission to add their email to the shared Google drive (she has students' FLUL emails on Fénix).  

1. Aims

This C1.1 course has just one aim: for the student to learn how to express their opinion in a clear, concise, and coherent manner. Fluency in speech and writing is essential for this and will be developed over the course of the semester. To be clear, students will be expressing their opinions on current affairs through writing (editorials) and speaking (debates).

2.  Course Content and Resources

Although we will not be dealing with grammatical problems during class, you will be tested on grammar and English Language use.  You are expected to study grammar and English use at home.  Naturally, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me to book a tutorial. 

Tutorials will be held online on Fridays from 10h00 – 11h00.  If you cannot make this hour due to work or conflicting class schedules, please let me know.

3.  Resources

All necessary resources – such as this course book, grammar workbooks, and mock test papers – will be uploaded onto the Google drive that we, as a class, will share or onto the online summaries (videos only).  

4.  Grading Policy and Course Requirements

Attendance and class participation – 15%

Oral Exams – 25%

·         Oxford Union-style Debate 1 (5%)

·         Oxford Union-style Debate 2 (20%)

Grammar/English Language Use Test 20%

Written Exam – 40%

·         Written Test – Editorial


Should you FAIL the course, you can sit the Final Exam (Época Especial) which will be in January 2024. This exam will consist of writing one editorial only – there is no oral examination.


Students will have one to two OPTIONAL homework assignments which, upon completion, they must email me. All students are entitled to tutorials for grammar and for their optional homework assignments (after they receive their work marked).  
No student can have more than three one-on-one tutorials in total.  
All tutorials will be on: Fridays from 10h00 – 11h00 (but if you cannot make this time due to work/school restrictions, we will try to find alternatives).