
Communication and Culture (2)

4 Outubro 2022, 08:00 Roxana Stela Ciolaneanu

  • Culture, values, beliefs;

  • Proxemics (Edward T. Hall).

The semantic model of communication

3 Outubro 2022, 09:30 Zuzanna Zarebska

Reading for next class: "Last", Ali Smith
The semantic model for communications:
There are several common elements to any communication exchange. First, there is always a sender and a receiver. The sender is the individual that sends a message while the receiver is the individual to which the message was sent. The message, in communication theory, is the idea encoded and sent by the sender in verbal, non-verbal, or written language. Messages are delivered through a medium, then the receiver of the message decodes the message into information. Sometimes, there can be noise that distorts this message. An example of noise would be a language barrier, emotions, or attitudes.
The word semantic is credited to the Greek word “semantikos” which indicates “significant”. Semantics is a broad interdisciplinary study which deals with philosophical and logical understanding behind the language. 
Perhaps one of the biggest semantic barriers is language barriers, in that either the receiver or sender are a non-native speaker of the language being used. Words can get lost in translation leading to a clear miscommunication of a message.The Semantic barrier can be caused in every type of communication. The variations of meaning in language are visible between individuals and cultures. Thus semantic barrier is an important element in communication theories at different levels. 
The Semantic barrier in communication can be defined as the misunderstanding and interpretation of meaning which restrict effective communication. It can be in form of language, sign and symbol. 
Differences in dialect, cultural differences, body language, and the choice of word, pronunciation differences and spelling errors are the main causes of a semantic barrier.
Connotative barriers refer to the differences in the meaning of the defined word. In addition to its exact or lexical meaning, words also acquire implied meanings called connotative meanings. Connotations are understood based only on an individual’s experience. Here both sender and receivers are aware of the meaning of the word but the disagreement occurs when the context, situation and emotion behind the word will be different. The meaning of the word does not arise by itself but in the relation between the text and the context. This barrier becomes much complicated since the significant meaning needs a mutual level of understanding for effective communication.

Comunicação intercultural: problematização de um conceito

30 Setembro 2022, 12:30 Marta Pacheco Pinto

Considerações breves sobre a palestra da aula anterior, “Turkish images in European prints”. 

Discussão do capítulo “Understanding and applying intercultural communication in the global community: the fundamentals” (2014), de Edwin McDaniel e Larry Samovar, cuja análise foi dividida em três pontos: a comunicação intercultural como fenómeno (ou prática) que sempre caracterizou a vida em sociedade e as relações humanas; a emergência da comunicação intercultural como área de estudo; a interrelação entre os conceitos de comunicação e cultura. Nesse sentido, esquematizou-se o modelo de interação comunicativa proposto pelos autores; analisaram-se as componentes definidoras de cultura e como a cultura influencia a comunicação entre indivíduos que pertencem a grupos culturais distintos.

Culturas dentro de culturas: subcultura, co-cultura, grupos e subgrupos culturais. As minorias étnicas; os fenómenos das migrações. Culturas em contacto: variação; o choque de culturas; as diferenças.

30 Setembro 2022, 11:00 Catarina Isabel Sousa Gaspar

Culturas dentro de culturas: subcultura, co-cultura, grupos e subgrupos culturais. As minorias étnicas; os fenómenos das migrações. Culturas em contacto: variação; o choque de culturas; as diferenças.

Definindo cultura

29 Setembro 2022, 17:00 Filomena Maria Confraria Viana Guarda

Como se entende "cultura" na área das ciências sociais; discussão sobre o significado dos seguintes conceitos: valores culturais, crenças e normas; cultura colectivista e cultura individualista; marcas culturais.