
Políticas e indústrias culturais.

29 Março 2023, 17:00 Annabela Rita

Políticas e indústrias culturais. Intervenção do Mestre Alexandre Honrado (Univ. Lusófona e Instituto Piaget).

Como habitualmente, o material e as referências de apoio à exposição e para aprofundamento da reflexão são enviados aos alunos por e-mail.

Cultures and Utopia

29 Março 2023, 12:30 Mário Vítor Bastos

Cultures and Utopia.

Yoko Tawada - Where Europe Begins

29 Março 2023, 08:00 Chiara Nifosi

Today we completed our discussion on Tawada's short story. We finished to discuss examples of how the notion of geographical (and cultural) borders is questioned or revisited (for instance, parts 7, 17, 18) and we reflected on how the border can be considered as a space in itself - or an interstice, as the translator says (see slide in the Drive) - where constant renegotiation of identity is required. Tawada's nomadism (see slides, once again) is concerned with how the encounter with otherness can be explored on a psychological level and through the literary topos of travel. 

We also commented on Part 16, particularly the protagonist's exchange with her mother, as a key moment where Tawada's philosophy of travel becomes particularly visible: the impossible co-presence of the protagonist and her mother stands for the impossibility to maintain a unitary self - in other words travel and the encounter with otherness always entail gain and loss. 

“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”, de Walter Benjamin, 4

28 Março 2023, 15:30 Miguel Ramalhete Gomes

Conclusão da discussão “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”, de Walter Benjamin.

Walter Benjamin. “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”. Illuminations, trad. Harry Zorn. Pimlico, 1999, pp. 211-244.

Entrega e correcção do 1º teste de avaliação. Início do visionamento do documentário “O Código de Pasternak – George Steiner”.

28 Março 2023, 12:30 Ricardo Gil Soeiro

Entrega e correcção do 1º teste de avaliação. Início do visionamento do documentário “O Código de Pasternak – George Steiner”.