
Entrega e comentário dos 2ºs exercícios escritos e dos trabalhos. Avaliação final.

3 Maio 2023, 17:00 Annabela Rita

Entrega e comentário dos 2ºs exercícios escritos e dos trabalhos dos alunos. Avaliação final.

Second Test, Second Call

3 Maio 2023, 12:30 Mário Vítor Bastos

Second Test, Second Call.

Final class: notions of authenticity and inauthenticity in contemporary culture

3 Maio 2023, 08:00 Chiara Nifosi

After the close reading of an excerpt drawn from Edward Relph's essay Place and Placelessness (1976), we discussed the dichotomy authenticity vs. inauthenticity in contemporary ways of relating to places. We discussed this polarization in relation to the other opposition established by Relph between the private and the public sphere, how one affects the other and what space is left for individual authenticity. 

We also reflected on the effects of mass culture on the creation of modern and contemporary places by using the categories offered by Relph in his essay: disneyfication, museumification, futurization, and subtopia.

Culture and Society, de Raymond Williams, 1

2 Maio 2023, 15:30 Miguel Ramalhete Gomes

Discussão da conclusão de Culture and Society, de Raymond Williams.

Raymond Williams. “Conclusion”. Culture and Society 1780-1950. Vintage, 2017 (1958/1963), pp. 387-442.

Realização do 2º Teste Escrito Presencial (2ª Chamada)

2 Maio 2023, 12:30 Ricardo Gil Soeiro

Realização do 2º Teste Escrito Presencial (2ª Chamada).