
Realização da 1ª chamada do 1º exercício escrito da disciplina.

22 Fevereiro 2023, 17:00 Annabela Rita

Realização da 1ª chamada do 1º exercício escrito da disciplina.

Concepts for Cultural Analysis

22 Fevereiro 2023, 12:30 Mário Vítor Bastos

Concepts for Cultural Analysis

Claude Lévi-Strauss (introduction)

22 Fevereiro 2023, 08:00 Chiara Nifosi

Today, I introduced the life and work of Claude Lévi-Strauss, who is the author of the small booklet Race and History that we will be reading also next week.

Before talking about the text, I went back to Week 1 when I introduced Saussure's structuralism in the field of linguistics to see how Lévi-Strauss uses his theories to rethink the study of cultures in the field of anthropology and ethnography. We saw that his structural anthropology is founded on the investigation of binary oppositions that work within culture. We looked at a concrete example that Lévi-Strauss puts forth in his book The Raw and the Cooked published in 1964 (i.e., the culinary triangle raw/cooked/rotten, and how food articulates the opposition between nature and culture). 
After fixing the main points of Lévi-Strauss' structuralist approach, I left some time to answer a couple of questions in small groups, namely on the implications that the idea of "structures" / "patterns" carries with it in relation to other ideas encountered so far in the course (cultures and hierarchy, progress and development, etc.). 
After that, we started our discussion on Race and History, and we mentioned the role of the UNESCO in dealing with the "question of race" in a 1950 statement that preceded Lévi-Strauss' booklet. At the very end of class, we talked about the notion of race and how it has been progressively undermined and refuted by scientific knowledge, especially in the field of genetics. To be continued next week.

A Indústria Cultural e a Escola de Frankfurt: Estudo do pensamento de Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer e Walter Benjamin

17 Fevereiro 2023, 12:30 Ricardo Gil Soeiro

A ordem simbólica da cultura. O encontro cultural: diversidade cultural e aculturação. Análise do conceito de Indústria Cultural: a Escola de Frankfurt. Análise detalhada do capítulo “Breves Considerações sore a Indústria da Cultura”, de Theodor Adorno, in: Sobre a indústria da cultura, Coimbra, Angelus Novus, 2003. Explicitação dos seguintes conceitos: cultura de massas, cultura popular e cultura erudita. Referência ao conceito de perda da aura, proposto por Walter Benjamin (Corpus utilizado: BENJAMIN, Walter (1992), Sobre Arte, Técnica Linguagem e Política, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água). Visionamento (seguido de uma reflexão colectiva) de um breve clip relativo ao debate “Culture Wars”, entre Terry Eagleton e Roger Scruton.

Concepts of Culture

17 Fevereiro 2023, 12:30 Mário Vítor Bastos

Concepts of Culture