
Marc Augé, Non-Places /3

12 Março 2024, 09:30 Chiara Nifosi

Today, the discussion of Marc Augé's book covered the definition and description of "supermodernity", following the periodization theorized by the author in order to introduce the notion of non-place. Augé then describes the three main features of supermodernity, which is characterized by excess in the three dimensions of time, space, and individuality.

Particularly, we commented on the passage on the meaning of history, its perceived acceleration, and the idea of the over-investment in terms of meaning that seems to affect our perception of the events; the change in scale in our perception of space and its coexistence with the will to preserve locality; the tendency to individualize meanings following the crisis of religious and ideological frames.

John Fahey, "Folk Festivals"; Béla Bartók, "The Relation of Folk-song to the development of the Art-Music of Our Time" (excertos)

11 Março 2024, 18:30 Pedro Madeira

Contexto do ensaio de John Fahey:

conceitos românticos de "povo" e "nação".

Leitura de excertos do ensaio de Béla Bartók:

distinção entre música tradicional (criação espontânea,

inconsciente, colectiva, com função ritual, de colectividades

destituídas de qualquer erudição) e música como arte.

Estabelecimento da etnomusicologia enquanto disciplina

científica (ruptura com a abordagem romântica à música


John Fahey, "Folk Festivals"; Béla Bartók, "The Relation of Folk-song to the development of the Art-Music of Our Time" (excertos)

11 Março 2024, 17:00 Pedro Madeira

Contexto do ensaio de John Fahey:

conceitos românticos de "povo" e "nação".

Leitura de excertos do ensaio de Béla Bartók:

distinção entre música tradicional (criação espontânea,

inconsciente, colectiva, com função ritual, de colectividades

destituídas de qualquer erudição) e música como arte.

Estabelecimento da etnomusicologia enquanto disciplina

científica (ruptura com a abordagem romântica à música



8 Março 2024, 11:00 CARLO ARRIGONI

Esclarecimento de dúvidas sobre os textos analisados.

Marc Augé, "Non-places" /2

7 Março 2024, 09:30 Chiara Nifosi

Today, we discussed the first chapter of Augé's book and its main argumentative passages. In particular, we mentioned: the general objective of the chapter, i.e. the articulation of an anthropology of the near in contrast with the traditional anthropology of the elsewhere; the distinction between anthropology and historiography, aimed at rooting ethnographic and anthropological practice in the here and now (resulting then from a narrative in the present); the redefinition of the object of these disciplines brought about by the focus on Europe and near-contemporaneity; the problems of representativeness and generalization within the same theoretical frame; the critique of Mauss' conception of the individual as a mere reflection of culture as a totality; the illusion of totality when looking at individuality and the concept of otherness.