
Introduction to the course

23 Janeiro 2024, 09:30 Chiara Nifosi

Today, I introduced the course and we read the syllabus for the class (general description, overview of the main topics that we will tackle, assessment components, content-based objectives, transversal objectives, etc.).

After this short introduction, students worked in groups to brainstorm together what notions, objects, practices they associate with culture and what they consider as the study of cultures. A plenary discussion followed to compare the students' reflections. 
The second part of the class consisted in a plenary discussion on the definitions of culture drawn from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which highlight a historical shift in the conception of culture, from its etymological connection with the cultivation of the land, its association with individual education and refinement in aesthetic tastes (with the introduction of the notion of high culture as an ability to appreciate sophisticated cultural production), to the more common definition of culture as the ensemble of customs, traditions, practices that characterize a group of people.


22 Janeiro 2024, 18:30 Pedro Madeira

Apresentação do Programa. Métodos de avaliação.
Conceito de cultura.
Leitura e comentário de "Crónica Decorativa" de Fernando Pessoa.


22 Janeiro 2024, 17:00 Pedro Madeira

Apresentação do Programa. Métodos de avaliação.
Conceito de cultura.
Leitura e comentário de "Crónica Decorativa" de Fernando Pessoa.